Transformations, Transitions, and Transfusions

So since I’ve been back I went to community college for a year and built up some credit hours so I could apply as a transfer student to University of Georgia. Now I’m here and seriously can’t believe how time has gone by so fast and that it’s already the end of first semester!! A lot has happened since I transferred here to UGA. I’ve found a new passion in my life and I’ve taken a turn in direction in what I want to do after college. Coming into Georgia I had no doubt that I wanted to pursue a pharmacy career and just loved the idea of me learning all about pharmacy etc. Well, little did I know that I didn’t find myself enjoying what I was learning and couldn’t exactly see myself enjoying what was going to come like, cellular biology, and two organic chemistry classes, and another microbiology class, the list goes on and on. So I thought maybe pharmacy wasn’t quite the fit for me and got on the computer and picked out a few of the many majors UGA has to offer that I thought would interested me. I then took a couple personality tests and narrowed the list down to what matched my personality. In the end, I chose to stick with Public Relations.

Now don’t get me wrong here, I know just as well as you do that those two career fields are on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum and have nothing to do with each other at all! BUT I have found a way that they could relate to each other and still having a little interest in pharmacy, I thought of a way that I could potentially get the best of both worlds! And that was to potentially work for a public relations firm that works with pharmaceutical companies so that I could still pursue my interest in pharmaceuticals while also pursuing my interest for public relations. Now I’m not narrowing my options of what I want to do once I graduate to just and only that. That would just be my ideal job but I’m honestly open to anything the world challenges me with and ready to take whatever that may be on!

Now as for this blog…I couldn’t quite figure out how to keep the layout and title of this blog but also have a tab for my new everyday blog that I’d like to keep updated with things that interest me and to just keep working on my writing skills. Which unfortunately, I’m sad to say that I’ll have to retire “My Desert Adventures” and give my blog a little make over and transform it into “[insert punny PR title here]” blog :). It’s a bittersweet transformation because “My Desert Adventures” was the equivalent of my first child! I guess I now know what my parents felt like when they sent my older sister, Nicole, off to college (only 35 minutes away from our house) but in the back of their heads I know they were thinking that the transition would be beneficial to her later on down the road. Just as my new blog will be beneficial to me and my future PR aspirations!

So sadly, yet very excitingly, this will be my last post with the whole “My Desert Adventures” layout and next time I post I hope to ‘wow’ you with the new look ;)!